medical term بداية الاختبار بالتوفيق The "Vas deferns" is an organ in which system circulatory female reproductive urinary male reproductive The structure labelled as 12 Dicuspid valve Tricuspid valve aortic valave Mitral valve The medical term describing the picture shown is fused fingers syndactyl tetradactyl bidactyl Preprandial means before delivery after delivery before meals after meals Surgical suture of the muscle means myotomy myocarditis mylitis myorrhaphy A surgical removal of the uterus became necessary after severe uterine bleeding. The surgical removal means hysteropexy hysterorhhexia hysteroplasty hysterectomy Severe bleeding means hemorrhage hemorrhea menorrhea menorrhage The vein which carries oxygenated blood is labelled as 4 3 2 1 A cholelith might form within structure labelled as C D A B The structures referred to as No 5 are ligaments bones joints muscles If a stone is formed in 2, the patient will need nephropexy cholelithotripsy lithotripsy nephrotripsy When a structure of the body is located near the skin, it is called superfacial anterior facial subcutaneous Paralysis of one side of the body is called hemiplegia monoplegia homoplegia paraplegia One of the following medical terms is correctly spelled upnormal monoblegia lukocytopenia erythrocytes One of the following medical terms is misspelled diplobia glycosuria hepatomegaly photophobia Mr. Hassan’s monoplegia was caused by a brain infract caused by loss of blood supply to the brain. The monoplegia means spasm of two limbs spasm of one limb paralysis of one side paralysis of one limb Inflammation of organ 1 is called... while part No 4 is called cystitis - kidney nephrosis - bladder kidnitis - urethra nephritis - urethra The body cavity formed by structure No 2 is called thoracic spinal pulmonary pelvic All of the following are symptoms of diabetes EXCEPT polydepsia polyphagia polyarthritis Polyuria The eye specialist is the optometrist eyologist visionologist ophthalmologist An endoscope is inserted to visualize airways is know as Laprascope Bronchoscope Cystoscope Colposcope A 24-year-old man has urinary stones in the renal pelvis. The term that refers to these stones is cholelithiasis urolithiasis cystolithiasis ureterolithiasis An x-ray series using contrast medium injected into urethra provides information about the structure and function of the kidney, ureters, and bladder. This test is referred to as intravenous urography nephrotomography retrograde urography voiding cystourethrography Removal of impurities from the blood is referred to as diuresis peritoneal dialysis hemodialysis all of them Menopause is also called amenorrhea dysmenorrhea metrorrhagia none of them Abnormal implantation of a fertilized ovum outside the uterus is called a pelvic inflammatory disorder an ectopic pregnancy colpocervicitis abortion Bleeding from the uterus at any time other than during the menstrual period amenorrheais called menorrhagia menorrhea metrorrhagia hysterorrhexis Test to daignose cervical cancer Sweat test PAP test Mantoux test Guiac test one of the following indicates impaired renal functions Creatinuria ketonuria glucosuria none of them bilateral removal of testes is known as vasectomy castration anorchism cryptorchidism a meaure for prostatic diorder is Sweat test PSA test PAP test none of them The condition results in presence of fat in stool is Dysentery Jaundice Constipation Steatorrhea Common childhood condition involving inflammation of the larynx and trachea causing suffocative breathing COPD Croup Bronchitis Asthma barium sawallow is used for imaging of stomach and esophagus imaging of colon and rectum washing of stomach with water and specific medications endoscopic visualization of stomach and esophagus Hematemesis means diarrhea bloody vomiting bloody sputum bloody stool melena means fatty stool soft stool black stool all of them dyspepsia means difficult swallowing eating digestion breathing reduces the viscosity of sputum to facilitate productive coughing expectorant antitussive mucolytic antihistamine laboratory tests to assess gases and pH of arterial blood sweat test Mantoux test ABGs test occult test excision of the entire lung means thoracotomy pneumectomy bronchoscope pneumothorax 1 out of 40 Time is Up! Time's up