معلومات و مقالات
Things to watch out for
Adhere to the uniform The duration of the test ranges from two and a half to 3 hours The use of the calculator is prohibited
Time to see results for undergraduates
After the test is completed, the answers are corrected using the automatic corrector, the results are analyzed, and the testers’ information is reviewed, corrected and checked at the authority’s headquarters in Riyadh. It is expected that this process will take about three weeks from the day the test ends, and then the results will be …
Target group for undergraduates
The category who is entitled to enter the exam for graduates or who was in the last year of the university stage. It also requires some universities and colleges to take this test in order to enroll in their postgraduate program, in addition to Other procedures differ according to the educational institution, and everyone who wishes …
Exam entry times for undergraduates
Period Test Type Language Gender Early Enrollment Period Testing Period From To From To All Year Computerized Arabic All All Year All Year All Year All Year
Exam preparation for undergraduates
The test is not directly dependent on information obtained from coursework or undergraduate studies; Except for basic arithmetic and linguistic principles; Accordingly, it does not require prior preparation, but rather depends on the cultural outcome and accumulated life experiences. What helps the laboratory to perform the test is knowing its nature and its precise aspects. _blank” …
General aptitude test for university students
Introduction: Graduate studies (post-university) require mental abilities that enable the student to pass the requirements of the study paths, regardless of specialization. The capacity test is a standardized measure for all university students to be a fair and accurate standard for all, which helps educational institutions that have graduate programs to choose the students …
General aptitude test for university students قراءة المزيد »
Literary aptitude test
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Literary, verbal 70%, quantitative 30%, what is quantitative?🍃 Arithmetic questions (40% quantitative) 🍃It includes problems of ratios, proportionality, fractions, decimal numbers, sequences, laws of motion, The mean and median🍃 Geometry (24% quantitative) 🍃Includes topics such as circle, triangle, angles and quadrilaterals🍃 Analytical questions (13% quantitative) 🍃Analytical questions such as statistics and …
ماذا نذاكر لدخول اختبار القدرات في الفترة الحالية ؟
وتكون الاجابة بمذاكرة جميع النماذج وليس ال62 فقط مع النماذج الجديدة التي يمكن ان تحصل عليها من موقعنا
اداء اختبار قدرات في جامعة ماست
في هذا الحالة يمكنك استبدال فرصة الورقي اذا كان لديك بفرصة محوسبة بشرط ان يتم اداءه في جامعة ماست بمصر واي استفسار لمعرفة الاشياء الاخرى تواصل معنا من خانة التواصل